Friday, July 2, 2010

To-Do List:

I am making a big to-do list because there are so many things we need to get done in the next 10 days as we prepare for our journey. Woah! Thankfully, Hope taught me how important it is to add the things we have already done, because we are really in the middle of this journey already. This makes it seem a bit less daunting... I think...

buy a tandem bike
look up route on google maps
drive the route to scout out the terrain
practice biking locally to get prepared
Still To-Do:
plot mileage, stopping points, and where to get food and water.
make packing list
sew skirts etc. needed for trip
ensure we have appropriate hats and sunglasses
organize crew to meet us when we arrive at our destination
organize return trip
adjust bike for proper fit
bike tune-up
put racks on bike (do they even fit?) and panniers.
find ipod and make sure it works
make playlist and gather books on tape; put on ipod
install soundbox, bell, airplane flyer, hootie perch, handlebar ribbons
weave crepe paper into tires
pack gear onto bike
practice riding fully loaded
tie up loose ends: births, postpartum visits, teaching, schoolwork, etc.

Ok, we can do this!

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